Task 4B.2.1: Gas Generation Model – Results
Task 4B.2.1 Gas Generation Model – Functional Specification and Definition of Central Case for Analysis
Task 4B.2.1 Waste Groups and High-level Conceptualisation
Task 3.3.1 Waste Package for Disposal of High-Level Waste (HLW) in Rock Salt
Task 4B.2 COVRA Salt Creep Modelling – PA model
FEP-Catalogue for a Generic HLW Repository in a Salt Dome
FEP-Catalogue and Scenario Development for a Generic HLW Repository in a Salt Dome
TNO Appendix C2 Mechanical properties extracted
TNO 2023 R10585 Appendix C2 Mechanical properties extracted -
TNO 2023 R10585 Appendix C4 Transport Properties Extracted
TNO 2023 R10585 Appendix C4 Transport properties extracted -
TNO Appendix C3 Thermal properties extracted
TNO 2023 R10585 Appendix C3 Thermal properties extracted -
TNO Appendix B1 Salt Property database (NL)
TNO 2023 R10585 Appendix B1 Salt Property database NL -
TNO Appendix A
TNO_2023_R10585_Appendix_A -
TNO 2023 Database with the Thermal Hydrological Mechanical Chemical (THMC) properties of rock salt-final
TNO 2023 R10585 Database with the Thermal Hydrological Mechanical Chemical (THMC) properties of rock salt-final -
Task 4A.2 Transport of Ions Through Clays of the Peize and Waalre Formation
Task 4B.4.1: Storage and disposal potential of the Triassic Röt Formation in the east of the Netherlands: Subsurface mapping and facies interpretation
Task 3.1 Safe Spent Research Reactor Fuel Disposal
Task 4B.4.3 Evolution of the zechstein salt diapirs in the north eastern Netherlands
Task 4B.4.3 Evolution of the zechstein salt diapirs in the north eastern Netherlands
Task 4A.1 The palynological results of the Paleogene and Neogene successions in wells PNA-GT-01 and PNA-GT-04
TNO Task 4A.1 -
Task 4A.1 Early Cenozoic stratigraphy in the Vrijenban syncline – compilation of current information
TU-Delft Task 4A.1 -
Task 4A.1 Drilling report Delftse Hout multipurpose research borehole
TU-Delft Task 4A.1 -
Jaarrapport Onderzoeksprogramma 2021
Overall research programme COPERA for 2020-2025
Onderzoeksprogramma eindberging 2020-2025