COVRA is the sole point of contact for Dutch radioactive waste. As a knowledge centre it conducts research and develops and shares it knowledge. COVRA contributes toward drawing up the Dutch rules for radioactive waste and considers it important to put its knowledge and capacity to use, also where national and international legislation and regulations in respect of radioactive waste are concerned.
COVRA is proud of what it does and enjoys showing off its achievements. COVRA is open and transparent where all its activities are concerned, and forms part of the local living environment. COVRA is engaged, effective and service-oriented. The organisation aims to provide practical solutions for customers.

COVRA needs its expertise to adequately receive, process and manage the radioactive waste, but it is also keen to make it available externally. COVRA cooperates with interested parties in the Netherlands and with colleagues in international networks (IAEA, EC, OECD NEA). COVRA takes part in international workgroups and platforms and shares project-based information with sister organisations and research institutions. COVRA assists its Spanish colleague (ENRESA) in developing a storage building for high-level radioactive waste, comparable to the HABOG. COVRA also supports sister organisations in other countries. COVRA takes part, for instance in the ‘international group of experts’, that advises the Dansk Dekommissionering (Denmark) on deciding on a long-term strategy for Danish radioactive waste, and also participates in the review of the Belgian waste inventory and financial security. COVRA is moreover closely involved in the discussions and activities around the possible realisation of a geological disposal repository in Europe, and takes part in the European technology platform for research on deep geological disposal.
We provide a sound infrastructure for radioactive waste in the Netherlands.
Organisational structure
COVRA was founded in 1982 as a public limited company under Dutch law. Since 2002 all its shares have been owned by the State and placed with the Ministry of Finance, which fulfils the role of shareholder. COVRA has a limited performance objective and works as cost-effectively as possible. It does not receive any financial support from the government. COVRA’s day-to-day administration is the responsibility of its management board, under the supervision of the supervisory board.
At the end of 2020, 70 persons had an employment contract with COVRA. 16% of these work part-time, and 23% are female. At the end of 2018 the average age of the personnel was 50 years.

COVRA’s influence on society is linked to objectives in the field of sustainable development. These objectives, developed by the United Nations, were drawn up to help governments, businesses and the general public work towards a sustainable world in 2030. Based on its core values, COVRA contributes towards achieving the five following sustainable development objectives.