During transportation, the most important safety functions are fulfilled by the waste packaging. This packaging must provide shielding and contain the waste (prevent incidents and contamination while the waste is being handled). The ADR, Accord Européen relatif au Transport des Merchandises Dangereuses par Route, determines the international rules for the transportation of dangerous materials by road and rail.
COVRA has a transport & logistics service with a safety advisor who is specialised in the transportation of radioactive waste. The advisor provides advice on how to meet ADR-transport requirements during transportation.
More information on ADR, class 7 transport requirements can be found in publication 32 of the Dutch Society for Radiation Protection [Nederlandse Vereniging voor Stralingshygiëne]: The transportation of radioactive materials by road in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Figures for 2021
In 2021, 105 road transports with radioactive waste were carried out. Of these, 58 were made by a tractor/trailer-combination and and 47 were transported with the delivery van. The total distance travelled by road was 47,800 km.
Last year no transports of depleted uranium were carried out for COVRA by rail , but there were 89 road transports with which a total of 687 containers were delivered. COVRA’s private railway track for the supply and removal of containers to and from the nuclear power plant was used twice.